Francesco Benetello Lawyer
Graduated in 1999 at the University of Naples – Federico II with a thesis in Criminal Law “The fulfillment of duty” – supervisor Prof. Vincenzo Pecoraro Albani.
He obtained the Post-graduate Specialization Diploma in 2003 at the School of Specialization in Criminal Law and Procedure with a thesis in Legal Medicine “La Perizia medico-legale” – supervisor Prof. Claudio Buccelli.
He has been registered in the Naples Register of Lawyers since 2003 and in the Special Register of Lawyers authorized to practice before the Court of Cassation and other higher jurisdictions since 2016.
He has been collaborating with the Mario and Luigi Tuccillo law firm since 2000.
He carries out forensic activity exclusively in the criminal sector, with specific expertise in the field of crimes against the public administration, professional liability, medical negligence and crimes of health professionals connected to the exercise of the medical profession, culpable crimes connected to road traffic and prevention and safety in the workplace, crimes relating to counterfeiting of trademarks, crimes relating to construction, landscape and the environment, crimes related to the insurance sector.
He has participated in numerous criminal trials in defense of public administrators (mayors, aldermen, councilors) and municipal officials (executives, municipal secretaries), accused of abuse of office, ideological and material falsehood, corruption, embezzlement.
He has been a speaker at the following conferences:
- Professional refresher course organized by the “Island of Capri” Lawyers Association on the subject of “Tax crimes”
- Conference organized by the Italian Dental Doctors Association on the theme “Medical liability”
- Preparation Course for the Qualification to the Forensic Profession organized by the Council of the Order of Lawyers of NAPLES on the theme “The modification of the charge in the preliminary hearing and in the trial”
- The Preparation Course for the Qualification for the Forensic Profession organized by the Criminal Chamber of NAPLES on the theme “Medical liability – new profiles after the so-called law Balduzzi”
- The Preparation Course for the Enabling of the Forensic Profession organized by the Criminal Chamber of NAPLES on the theme “The cultivation of narcotic substance”
- Conference “Cardioversie – Cardiology between myth and reality” on the theme “Legal orientations and prospects for reform in the field of medical negligence”
- Specialization course in Juvenile Penal Law at the University of Naples “Federico II” on the topic “The Juvenile Penitentiary System: Legislative Decree 121/18”
2022 – 2023
- Intensive Courses Bar Exam 2022 and 2023 organized by the Forensic Association “Piero Calamandrei” on the theme “Intention, guilt and causal link”
From March 2010 to March 2015 he held the position of Director of the Company PTC – Porto Turistico di Capri S.p.A.