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Mario Tuccillo

Mario Tuccillo


L’avvocato Mario Tuccillo è iscritto all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli, di cui è stato consigliere nel 1968 e nel 1975, dal 1958. È esperto di diritto delle assicurazioni nonché socio fondatore del centro studi di diritto e di medicina delle assicurazioni…

Luigi Tuccillo

Luigi Tuccillo


Laureato in Giurisprudenza presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli con voti 110/110 e lode, nel 1990 ha superato il concorso di Avvocato in Napoli classificandosi primo in graduatoria ed aggiudicandosi la toga d’onore del Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli…

Mario Tuccillo

Mario Tuccillo


The lawyer Mario Tuccillo is a member of the Naples Bar, of which he has been a director in 1968 and 1975, since 1958. He is an expert in insurance law and a founding member of the center for studies of insurance law and medicine. .

Luigi Tuccillo

Luigi Tuccillo


Graduated in Law at the University of Naples with 110/110 cum laude, in 1990 he passed the Lawyer competition in Naples, ranking first in the ranking and winning the toga of honor of the Council of the Naples Bar Association. ..

Mario Tuccillo

Mario Tuccillo


L’avvocato Mario Tuccillo è iscritto all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli, di cui è stato consigliere nel 1968 e nel 1975, dal 1958. È esperto di diritto delle assicurazioni nonché socio fondatore del centro studi di diritto e di medicina delle assicurazioni…

Luigi Tuccillo

Luigi Tuccillo


Laureato in Giurisprudenza presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli con voti 110/110 e lode, nel 1990 ha superato il concorso di Avvocato in Napoli classificandosi primo in graduatoria ed aggiudicandosi la toga d’onore del Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli…

Avvocato Luigi Tuccillo

Luigi Tuccillo lawyer

Graduated in Law from the University of Naples with 110/110 cum laude, in 1990 he passed the Lawyer competition in Naples, ranking first in the ranking and winning the toga of honor of the Council of the Naples Bar Association.

Since 1996 he has been an adjunct professor at the Federico II University of Naples, School of Specialization in Legal Medicine and Insurance – and is currently the holder of the teaching of “Health and Insurance Legislation.

He is the legal fiduciary, in civil and criminal matters, of the Generali Insurance Groups; Allianz, UnipolSai, Cattolica, Axa and Reale Mutua, dealing, in particular, with Anti-fraud and professional medical misconduct proceedings.

The same is also the trustee of the Federico II University of Naples – faculty of medicine and surgery – of the SUN (second university of Naples), of the ASL Napoli 1 and the Asl Napoli 2 Nord.

Since June 2015 he has been Deputy Chairman of the section at the Provincial Tax Commission of Naples, as well as a member of the NATIONAL TAX JUDGES UNION.

Since October 2018 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions of the Parthenope University of Naples upon appointment of the National Bar Council.

He has participated as a speaker and teacher in numerous scientific conferences and specialization courses of national importance on the issues of fault and professional responsibility of the doctor; in particular:

National Congress of Forensic Medicine (Sorrento 5/6 December 2007)
Clinical risk and professional responsibility in general and orthopedic surgery (Naples 29/11/2008)
National Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatrics (Capri 30 / 4-3 / 5/2009)
National Congress of Forensic Medicine - Professional Risk - Naples 2/4/2011
National Congress of Cardiologists - The medico-legal responsibility in Cardiology - Naples 30/3/2012
National Congress of Bioethics and Forensic Medicine - Ethics, deontology and Responsibility in Surgical Activities - Naples, 13/06/2013
Conference "Clinical risk in Medicine and Dentistry" organized by the Faculty of Dentistry "Federico II" University of Naples - Naples 19/06/2015
Congress "Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law" - Legal medicine in the management of litigation in Healthcare - Naples 20/21 October 2015
Conference "Life sciences under the scrutiny of Bioethics and Forensic Medicine" - Naples 24/26 November 2016
Congress "ETHICS, ETHICS AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE TRAINING OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS" - University of Naples "Federico II" - Naples 19-20 October 2017
Conference "CARDIOVERSIE IN PARTHENOPE" professional responsibility in the health field - First reflections on the Galli law. - Naples October 2017.
Conference "The crime of road homicide - specific aggravating circumstances in case of psycho-physical alteration from drugs and alcohol" - University of Naples Federico II - 07/06/2019
Course "Risk Management and Professional Responsibility" - Analysis and management of the clinical risk that produces medical-legal damage to the patient. U.O.C. of Forensic Medicine "Federico II" University of Naples. 02/4/16 - 18 March 2021
National Congress of Cardiology at the Monaldi Hospital in Naples - 9/10 June 2022